Chemicals And Materials Archives - Ingenious e-Brain

Fostering Eco-friendly Tomorrow through Sustainable Chemicals and Packaging Solutions

As environmental concerns are becoming paramount, industries worldwide actively seek sustainable alternatives to reduce their environmental impact and contribute to a greener future. Two key sectors playing a crucial role… Continue reading Fostering Eco-friendly Tomorrow through Sustainable Chemicals and Packaging Solutions

Grab the Potential Business Opportunities in the Dynamic Chemical Industry through Market Intelligence service

As digitalization and sustainability constantly disrupt the chemical sector, the entire value chain across the chemical market strives to adopt innovative ways of manufacturing, storing, distributing, and utilizing chemical resources.… Continue reading Grab the Potential Business Opportunities in the Dynamic Chemical Industry through Market Intelligence service

How Conversion of Ethanol Matches Concentration Level Suitable to Manufacture Hand Sanitizer for COVID-19?

The world has been hit by a pandemic disease, i.e. Novel Coronavirus, which has hugely impacted the global economy and market situation. In this current situation of the pandemic, the… Continue reading How Conversion of Ethanol Matches Concentration Level Suitable to Manufacture Hand Sanitizer for COVID-19?