Autonomous Vehicle Sensor Coating Current Trends

Autonomous Vehicle Sensor Coating Current Trends

Client is one of the renowned player in the chemical/coating industry, catering multiple industries such as Aerospace, Automotive, etc.
Autonomous vehicles are currently the Megatrend of auto industry with every major player trying to establish themselves as the leader in their domain.
Coating on Autonomous vehicle sensor plays a vital role in defining the future of the autonomous vehicle, the objective of the study is identifying the coating technology trends, white space analysis & competitive intelligence.


Using 360 approach to deep dive into the domain and understand the trending technology, white space analysis and competitive intelligence. Long list of coating solution Identified from the various paid database & open sources. Detailed information of chemical composition & benefits of each solution.

Benchmarking of the chemical coating’s solutions based on the multiple features, application and doing the ranking of the coating solution based on the on features weightage.

Tracking the competitors actives such as collaboration, acquisition, innovation, product launch and investment activities.

Business Impact

Analytical insights of Technology trends in autonomous sensor coating domain, provides clear picture & ground realities of the technology

The Insights platform enabled the client to monitor innovative technologies, products, and ingredient trends. This information was then utilized to restructure their innovative pipeline, enabling the client to plan and reshape their product launch strategies

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