Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

The Challenge

The push towards electrification of vehicles and greener fuels is leading the automotive industry trends. One of the long-time developing technologies being upgraded regularly is a fuel cell, especially a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell.

With the global focus shifting towards low-emission and more efficient vehicle propulsion systems, the companies in the domain face some major challenges. These are:

  • What are the major components in focus related to Oxide-based Fuel Cells?
  • Who are the emerging players in the domain?
  • Who are the major players involved in the domain?

Our Solution

After conducting planned research on the subject, our professionals helped the company tackle the challenges mentioned above. The methodology applied for the same is as illustrated.

We based our searches on the prospected challenges. Under this, we delivered the analysis output in two formats.

1. Exhaustive list of Relevant Patent references:

  • We analyzed approximately 10,000 patent families and provided an exhaustive list of patent references with their bibliographical details that were considered to be of any relevance to the study.
  • We provided technical categorizations for all the relevant references to highlight the aspects of the study they were relating to. We also analyzed the references to determine technological evolution within the sub-sections of technology, such as Steam reformer evolution, Heat exchanger evolution, and Oxidizer evolution. This was done to provide a detailed picture of the overall technology being disclosed in each reference.

Another analysis output covered was insights generated using the data presented in the first format in a presentation format.

2. Few Insights based on analysis and data extracted for relevant references

  • Technical Insights:

a) Partial oxidation is gaining momentum as a sub-section of the domain.

b) Tubular-type fuel cells are preferred over the other alternatives.

c) Pre-heaters are a less explored area than other components of the fuel cells.

  • Bibliographical Insights:

a) Honda Motor, Panasonic, and TOTO appear to be the most prominent players in the domain.

b) Innovation related to Solid Oxide fuel cells peaked in 2012 and 2015.

The Impact

Fuel cells are an essential section of green alternatives to fossil fuels. They are used for electricity generation, spacecraft, small-scale power plants, homes, and automobiles. They are scalable in nature and compact in size. They have vast applications, making the market lucrative to all the players involved in the process. The Oxide fuel cell market will hit $2,881 million by 2025.

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