Sustainable Technology for Long-lasting Fragrance

Sustainable Technology for Long-lasting Fragrance

Business Context

The fragrance industry has sharpened its focus on sustainability and green innovation as these have become the key business topics. To meet evolving regulatory requirements in the fragrance business and consumer demand for natural and clean labels, a Europe-based, established flavor and fragrance manufacturer wishes to realign its product portfolio with sustainable, biodegradable, and long-lasting fragrances and capitalize on the opportunity in the mid-to-long-term.

The Challenge

The major challenge for the fragrance industry is to scout sustainable technologies that can deliver a long-lasting fragrance experience in personal and home care products.

Our client wanted to identify and evaluate the existing and upcoming technologies, products, and trends in the sector. They wanted to explore various sustainable technologies that have the potential to deliver long-lasting fragrances, and where these technologies stand in terms of maturity level, followed by strategies of competitors and top solution providers who can help clients meet sustainability goals.

Our Solution

Our research team employed a comprehensive strategy covering secondary research, patent, and scientific research followed by primary research to help clients understand technology and competition and uncover promising opportunity areas. We followed a five-step solution framework to derive actionable insights for our client.

Sustainable Technology for Long-lasting Fragrance

Business Impact

We provided the client with actionable recommendations for the employment of advanced sustainable technologies to ensure long-lasting fragrance delivery. The impact of our service brought an advantage for our client in a sense:

● The client was able to identify promising technologies from the fragrance-focused industries that can enable long-lasting fragrance delivery.

● The client was able to derive actionable insights on a few technologies shortlisted based on their implementation, success stories, adoption in the Fragrance industry, and consumer acceptance.

● The client was able to prioritize a few best-fit technology providers who can help the client realign its product portfolio.

● The client was able to gain high-level insights on key developments and trends in the space.


our Experts

