Technology Intelligence On Liquid Bio-fertilizers

Technology Intelligence On Liquid Bio-fertilizers

Study Objective

The present study was conducted identify the innovations and developments in technology in the field of liquid biofertilizers.

Study Overview

  • The technology intelligence study was done exhaustively using both and non- documents and secondary researches understand market developments.
  • The documents were analysed in detail map the technology developments and their production process and formulations with application effects on soil and crops.
  • The study helped in identifying the microbes that are more preferred be used in biofertilizers and their fermentation parameters.
  • The trend was observed for the usage of biofertilizers and the major players active in this field.
  • The liquid biofertilizers wereobserved be more preferred their higher quality and longer shelf-life.
  • The client, through this study got the idea about the whitespaces develop their own product.
  • The study also helped the client identify their competitors.

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