Technology Scouting on Magnetic Cooling

Technology Scouting on Magnetic Cooling

The Client

A global RAC Manufacturer

The Challenge

The client entrusted us with a scouting of technology related in Magnetic Cooling in different domain, which could be modified and utilized in the RAC domain.

Our Solution

An in-depth analysis of relevant technology and their assignees(owners) and product information through patent databases, Research articles, company websites, product brochures, articles, blogs and other secondary sources. The patents were then ranked using our in-house Patent Strength Analysis Tool. Following which a detailed patent landscape in the technology area was created to identify established and emerging products in all domain using such technology.

The Impact

This study helped the client to identify the products which were patented or in application stages for licensing opportunities. It also identified prototypes which could be used in his domain and allow him to focus his R&D in such technologies. Our report also helped him in identifying white spaces for future growth and market strengthing.

our Experts

