SINTX Technologies develops revolutionary silicon nitride mask fabric

SINTX Technologies develops revolutionary silicon nitride mask fabric

In a run of the original equipment manufacturing of ceramic silicon nitride for medical and non-medical applications, SINTX Technology, Inc. (“SINTX” or “the company”), reported that progress had been made in producing a “catch-and-kill” mask that will inactivate air viruses. The sensitivity of many bacterial species and viral strains to silicon nitride has demonstrated neutralization.

About SINTX Technologies Inc.

SINTX Technologies is an OEM ceramics firm designing and selling silicon nitride for medical and non-medical use. They have a large plant and offices in Salt Lake City, which allows the handling of all silicon nitride production facets. SINTX Technologie’s central strength lies in producing, studying, and exporting ceramics made of silicon nitride to external partners. The firm has silicon nitride powders and components in its FDA-registered production facility and is ISO 13485:2016 accredited.

Properties of Silicon Nitride

  • Silicon nitride is both antibacterial and antiviral.
  • The latest experiments have shown that silicon nitride AP2 powder eliminates SARS-CoV-2 more quickly than other pathogens.
  • It provides more benefits as a biomaterial than titanium or peeks.
  • It is used for various uses and industries, including biomedical, bearing, automotive, and high temperatures, owing to silicon nitride’s too high strength and durability.
  • Silicon Nitride is used in petrol-and diesel-powered rollers, wind turbines, motorsports vehicles, motorcycles, rollerblades, skateboards, computer discs, software machines, dental handpieces, and aircraft flap actuators.
  • Usually, silicon nitride is used where rust, fast wear, and electric or magnetic fields impair metals.


  • The firm said that silicon nitride particles had successfully been spread and integrated into nonwoven and textile fibers.
  • After that crucial milestone, the next step is to refine the process, ensure fabric safety, ensure productivity, and scale the output.
  • The attached image of scanning electron shows silicon nitride particles typically sticking at the micron level without stray particles to polypropylene fibers.
  • The antiviral properties of fabrics containing silicon nitride need to be tested.
  • Earlier sciences have demonstrated that the SAR-CoV-2, COVID-19 virus, is highly inactivated by silicon nitride.

“By investing in our human resources and equipment, we expedited this development in-house, rather than relying on outside parties,” said Dr. Bal, President and CEO of SINTX Technologies.

Potential Impact to be Made on the Consumer Market

For example, respiratory viruses and air contamination are common health problems in densely packaged Asian cities, and safety masks were used before COVID-19. In Western countries, issues related could remain long after the free availability of a COVID-19 vaccine.
“Initial process development activities have shown promising results and we are hopeful that we will soon have a mask that catches and kills the coronavirus,” said Bruce Lorange, CEO of O2TODAY, who has a contract for developing and distributing antimicrobial face masks with SINTX. “We are excited by the rapid progress we are making and looking forward to sharing more updates as we have them.”
“We believe that our antipathogenic masks and the underlying fabric technology will have lasting consumer demand,” said Dr. Bal, President and CEO of SINTX Technologies.

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