AI In Healthcare- Digital Workforce Powering Healthcare

AI In Healthcare- Digital Workforce Powering Healthcare

The spectacular change and efficiency in the diagnosis of diseases is the result of pattern recognition and information processing by Neural networks. This has led to reasonable growth in Global artificial intelligence market by allowing AI to recognize drug targets and helping in drug design, discovery, identification and screening of molecules instantly; growth of AI does not stop here but has also given boost to Medical imaging that has led to improvement in cancer and tumor diagnosis by deep learning technique. It is now possible to translate data and simulate human intelligence by using ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion) and DSP (Digital Signal Processing).

The webinar will cover in-depth analytical insights about how AI is powering Healthcare

  • Mechanisms that enable AI systems to generate clinical meaningful results
  • Disease types that the AI communities are currently tackling viz. Oncology, Rare diseases etc
  • Various devices and/or applications with inbuilt diagnosis and/or predictive feature
  • Some of the key companies indulging in AI market are: IBM Watson Health, iCarbonX, AiCure, Pathway Genomics, Atomwise, Cyrcadia Health

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