Patent Protection In Emerging Countries

Patent Protection In Emerging Countries

Intellectual property protection is important emerging economies because it helps in the creation of new knowledge, broad sharing of knowledge, and promotes economic growth. Economic growth is through increased foreign direct investments, transfers of innovations, creation of new enterprises, and lowering transaction costs in trade.

The benefits of intellectual property protection can be enhanced through the creation of an environment that favors economic growth. Emerging economies can obtain the benefits of intellectual property protections through an enactment of competitive policies, promotion of competitive practices, and increase the ability utilize intellectual property protection.

If we unravel the question about the connection between the strength of the system and innovation in developing countries, we find that there are at least two questions when considering IP policy.

The first is whether stronger protection in a host country encourages technology transfer that country. How does the presence of protection affect the behavior of foreign firms that may potentially invest in the country, sell technology firms in the country, or form joint ventures with domestic firms? The second question is whether stronger protection encourages technology development in the country itself. That is, how does it affect the behavior of domestic firms?

In this presentation, we talk of IP Policies of three countries, namely, India, China and Brazil and compare their policies with those of US and PCT. We will also discuss Section 3d of Indian act that deals with prevention of manufacture of generic drugs as well as ANVISA which is a Brazilian regulatory body that has a role similar to that of the FDA in the United States.


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