Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Technology

Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Technology

Live Webinar on “How Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting technology helps to curb carbon emissions?”

Various industries (consumer electronics, industrial equipment, automotive, and wearables, etc.) have witnessed a transformation in processes with the use of various Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting techniques . We anticipate that the market growth is on account of the increasing demand for efficient and durable systems with minimal operational cost. An increase in government and private partner investments along with favourable environmental norms will positively influence the various industries. Moreover, global inclination towards renewable energy usage along with consumer awareness for technological innovation will augment the growth.

Key topics to be discussed in webinar are:-

  • Introduction of Energy Harvesting
  • Key Materials, Fundamentals & Configurations
  • Key companies and their fabrication technologies
  • Implementing renewable and sustainable energy through Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting
  • Key technology providers in the domain
  • Key Emerging Applications
  • Recent advancements in the domain
  • Future opportunities offered by these technologies in various industries
  • How Ingenious e-Brain can help you in strategizing your roadmap?


Scheduled on:  18th August 2022 @ 11.30 AM EST | 08:30 AM PST | 10:30 AM CST | 09:00 PM IST

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