Webinar – CRISPR-Cas9 : Technology Intelligence

Webinar – CRISPR-Cas9 : Technology Intelligence

Ingenious e-Brain Solutions will host a free webinar discussion on “CRISPR-Cas 9 : Technology Intelligence”. Targeting the correct gene remains a challenge to deleterious effects, collateral damage and ethical concerns. Nevertheless, gene therapy is already in use.

Gene editing took a new turn with the discovery of CRISPR and its variant CAS9, but along with it came legal battles and a need to find alternate solutions to gene editing. CRISPR not only gave a new image to gene editing but also raised the standards for new findings. Fortunately, tools like Cpf1 and NgAgo were discovered that not only stood up to the standard but proved themselves better. Though, they are still under development and proper testing is yet to be done, they have given hope to world of both preventative and curative therapeutics.

Whatever may be the benefits of gene editing or it may or may not seem like magic, the question lingering in the minds of young scholars and researchers is ‘Are we on the verge of a genetically engineered evolution?’


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