Key Factors to be Considered for Company Analysis

Key Factors to be Considered for Company Analysis

Company profiling consists of information related to any entity, organization, and company, including introductory information, financial information, business strategy-related information, product-related information, technical information such as patient and R&D-related information, and other significant news related to the company.

Company profiling helps to understand the competitor’s analysis of their strategic decision for any specific products, product portfolio, technical portfolio, and other crucial information to get the competitive edge in the market.

Elements of Company Profiling

Company profiling has five essential elements: introductory, financial, product, strategy, and technical.

Introductory: This segment covers the overview of the company, which holds the general introduction of the company, different business segments of the company, and the geographical presence of the company.

Financial: This segment covers the company’s financial data, such as the company’s revenue, split of revenue by segment, and by geography, and an extended version also consists of the other financial data such as R&D expenses, EBITDA, and so on.

Product: This segment covers product-related information such as brands of a specific product, product diversification: types and variants of products, and product specifications.

Strategy: This segment holds the information related to growth strategies taken by the company, which consists of organic growth strategy (product launch, product development, expansion, and investments or funding), inorganic growth strategy (partnerships, merger & acquisition, collaboration, joint ventures, and contracts) and technological strategies (focused technologies, development of new technologies and so on).

Technical: This segment consists of different technology-related information such as patients, technical literature, and key technologies on which R&D is going on by the company.

Importance of Company Profiling

The purpose of company profiling is to get an idea of the strengths and weaknesses of other competitors to find a gap in the market. Company profiling is important because:

  • It will help to recognize how to enhance business strategy.
  • It will help to get competitive advantages over competitors in these areas to keep customer attention.
  • Resulting in a leading position in the market.

Out Come of Company Profiling

The outcome of company profiling comes from a SWOT(strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats) analysis.

How to Utilize SWOT to Get Competitive Advantages

SWOT consists of four essential parameters of competitors to identify the chances of getting an edge in competition in the following manner:

Strength: This section consists of the parameters that will help in the growth of competitors, competitors have a firm grip on these, and it is hard to surpass the competitors in these parameters.

Weakness: This section consists of the parameters that can create a hurdle in the growth of competitors. Using these parameters, anyone can gain a leading position in the market.

Opportunities: This section consists of the parameters that can help competitors’ growth if the competitor’s planned strategies are good for these parameters. These parameters can help gain a lead over competitors with appropriate planning and strategy.

Threats: This section consists of the parameters that can decay the growth of competitors. These parameters are also helpful in gaining competitive advantages.


Company profiling is an essential element of market research that provides various information on companies that can gain the lead and hold a strong position in the market.

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