Tech Landscape & Partner ID: Mincemeat Alternatives

Tech Landscape & Partner ID: Mincemeat Alternatives

Business Context

One of the most inventive categories in recent years has been meat alternatives. Consumer demand for meat alternatives is exploding. To meet the consumer demands for vegan, clean label, and sustainability, a Europe-based leading producer of bakery products wanted to realign its product portfolio with meat analogs to capitalize on the opportunity in the short term.

The Challenge

The key challenge faced by formulators in this segment is how to make the meat alternative an enjoyable dining experience for the consumer, maintain accurate labeling, ensure nutrition, and optimize the manufacturing process.

Our client wanted to understand the technology landscape and identify potential partners in the domain of mincemeat alternatives with a clean label profile, and upcoming R&D solutions for further investigation, followed by strategies/initiatives undertaken by key entities (established players, start-ups, academia) in this domain.

Our Solution

Our research team employed a comprehensive strategy covering secondary research, patent, and scientific research followed by primary research to help clients understand technology and competition and uncover promising opportunity areas. We followed a five-step solution framework to derive actionable insights for our client.

Business Impact

We provided the client with crucial recommendations for the employment of advanced technologies to ensure similar taste, texture, and appearance of the alternative mincemeat products. The impact of our service brought an advantage for our client in a sense:

● The client was able to identify promising raw materials and technologies having the potential to develop cost-effective mincemeat alternatives with high productivity.

● The client was able to derive actionable insights to reformulate their mincemeat alternative products.

● The client was able to prioritize a few best-fit raw material suppliers and technology providers as an outcome of our raw material supplier and technology benchmarking activity.

● The client was able to gain insights on key developments such as collaborations and funding happening in the space.

● The client got insights on future trends of mincemeat alternatives and their potential impact on the food industry.


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