New Energy & Storage Archives - Ingenious e-Brain

Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

The Challenge The push towards electrification of vehicles and greener fuels is leading the automotive industry trends. One of the long-time developing technologies being upgraded regularly is a fuel cell,… Continue reading Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Landscape Analysis of NMC Lithium-ion Batteries

The Client New & Emerging Battery Manufacturer Challenge The client entrusted us with a landscape analysis of NMC Lithium-ion batteries. Our Solution An in-depth analysis of relevant technology and their… Continue reading Landscape Analysis of NMC Lithium-ion Batteries

Landscape Analysis of Micro battery

Challenge The client wanted to conduct a study on “Micro-Batteries and solid-state thin-film battery” products to understand the white space in the industry. Our Solution We conducted an in-depth assessment… Continue reading Landscape Analysis of Micro battery

Tech Intelligence: Digitization in Oil & Gas Industry

Overview There was a time when the oil and gas industry was once at the forefront of the latest innovations and latest technology implementation. It is the first industry to… Continue reading Tech Intelligence: Digitization in Oil & Gas Industry